Address History
Thank You
Basic Screening Plus No SSN
Step 1 of 5


This application provides a background screening for applicants with a USA Address But No SSN to complete a real estate transaction. Please complete all of the required fields and upload the required documents. When signing the application and see ID/SSN (last 4) use the last 4 digits of your passport number You will be required to make a payment of $26.95 to complete the application. No refunds or returns or exchanges. All sales final. Thank you for choosing applycheck. We value your business. Turnaround Time: 1 to 3 Hours (Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 5PM Eastern Standard Time) CAUTION: YOU MUST BE THE APPLICANT TO APPLY HERE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE SCREENING QUESTIONS? CONTACT APPLY@APPLYCHECK.COM Thank you for choosing applycheck.

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Applicant Info
Please Use Your Legal Name (First, MIddle, Last) as it appears on your Driver's License. CAUTION SECURITY FEATURE: The application will time out if there is no activity for 15 minutes. Just move your mouse or enter info to keep the application live.
Requested Document(s)
Using your smartphone, please provide photos for 2 forms of your government issued identification. Some mobile devices do not support file uploads. NOTE: IDENTITY DOCUMENTS ARE REQUIRED. CAUTION: THERE IS A 10 MG FILE UPLOAD MAXIMUM. IF YOU GET AN ERROR, REDUCE THE SIZE OF YOUR IDENTIFICATION IMAGE CAUTION:YOUR SCREENING WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT IDENTITY DOCUMENTS.
Driver's License or Passport
Second Form of Identification (birth certificate, visa, student ID, social security card, voter registration card, military ID)